TULLIS Publication Process

The Journal of Turkic Language and Literature Surveys (TULLIS) is published as an e-journal three times a year, in April, August and December. All articles are published in an issue with its own table of contents.

1. Articles are written in accordance with the TULLIS spelling rules and uploaded to the journal system by the responsible author.
2. The received article is sent to the editor (2-5 days) by TULLIS, editorial assistants after the figure review.
3. According to the subject of the article reviewed by the editor and deemed appropriate, it is forwarded to the relevant referees (5-10 days).
4. Studies are sent to at least 2 referees. If one of the referees gives a negative report, the study is recommended to the 3rd referee.
5. According to the referee reports, the authors are informed (within 1 month at the latest).
6. The articles for which correction is requested must be corrected in accordance with the reports and sent back within 1 month at the latest.
7. In case of acceptance from two referees, the article is published in the following issue.
8. The publication decision process is concluded between 1 month and 2 months after an article is sent to TULLIS.

Last Update Time: 9/12/23, 12:31:00 PM