Writing Rules

• NISAR is a ninternational peer-reviewed academic Journal published twice a year as 31 May and 30 November.
• NISAR can be publishes studies such as articles, book reviews and symposium evaluations in the field of religious studies (Social and Human Sciences/Religion).
• NISAR is a journal included academic studies such as copyright and translated article, text publication, research and loyalty note, PhD summary, scientific activity, book reviews pertaining to theology.
• The broadcast language of journal is Turkish. However, provided that it does not exceed 1/3 of the total number of articles published in each issue, studies written in English and Arabic are also included in the journal.
• Articles must be sent through Dergipark system.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or accepted for publication.
However, publications produced from postgraduate theses and papers presented at scientific events such as symposiums but not published elsewhere can be published, with a footnote in the Abstract, provided that it is stated from which thesis it was produced or in which scientific meeting it was presented.
• The word limits of the submitted articles are as follows:
a) Publishing copyright and translated articles and texts: Footnotes, bibliography, abstract and English abstracts should not exceed 10,000 words.

b) Book and scientific activity evaluation, research and loyalty note, doctoral summary: Except for footnotes, bibliography, abstract and English abstracts, the main text is between 1000-2500 words.
The process of articles exceeding this word is determined by the editors.
• In the publications of copyrighted and translated articles and texts, there should be a Turkish abstract between 250-300 words and an equivalent English summary and keywords (5-7 words). Other post types should not contain abstract and keywords.
• Transcription is not applied in the names of works and person in our journal. Manuscripts that come with transcription are sent to the author for correction.
• Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Office Word program (Word 97 or higher version), with at least 2.5 cm margins, all of the text in Gentium Plus or ISNAD Font font, 12 points and single line spacing, footnotes 10 points and single line spacing, should be written as justified text.
• Abstract, keywords, footnotes, bibliography and tables must be completed before the copyright and translated article and text are submitted.
• Authors are required to abide by the journal's spelling rules. Manuscripts that do not comply with the spelling rules are sent back to the author for corrections.
• The authors of the academic articles sent to NISAR are deemed to have accepted the ethical principles and publication principles.
• The original of the translated articles and the translation permission should be attached.
• The originals of the published texts should be attached.
• A maximum of one work of the same type by the same author can be published in any number.
• In multi-author studies, authors indicate their contribution rates as a percentage.
• All expenses of the journal are covered by the publisher. The publication of articles and the execution of article processes in the journal are free of charge. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication.
• After the article is sent to the Journal for publication, the name of any of the authors cannot be deleted from the list of authors without the written consent of all authors, a new name cannot be added as an author, and the order of authors cannot be changed.
• Articles should be submitted electronically to the journal website from the "Submit Article" tab.
• All documents and files must be submitted as Word documents (.doc or .docx).
• At the end of the article, before the bibliography, the researchers' contribution rate statement, if any, support and acknowledgment statements should be stated in accordance with the conflict statement in accordance with the table below.
• Manuscripts sent to NISAR must comply with the ISNAD Citation System (ISNAD II Version with Footnotes).
• The name of the author and the institution information should be written in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System on the first page of the submitted text. See. https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/akademik-yazim/3-yazar-ve-kurum-bilgisinin-yazimi/
• Title Format: Must be in Decimal System. See. ISNAD: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/akademik-yazim/2-yayinin-adi-ve-basliklandirma/
• Tables and Figures: They should be arranged in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System.
• Bibliography: It should start on the page after the conclusion and should be arranged according to the ISNAD Citation System.
• Ethics Committee approval should be obtained for articles that require Ethics Committee approval, and this approval (committee name, date and number) should be stated on the first page of the article and in the method section. For research that requires Ethics Committee approval, please review the Journal's Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.
Click to download the NISAR Journal article template.

For a more detailed look at the citation system we use, see.
ISNAD With Footnote: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/isnad-dipnotlu/ 
ISNAD In-Text: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/isnad-metinici/ 
ISNAD Abbreviations: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/24-kisaltmalar-dizini-turkce-ingilizce-arapca/ 
ISNAD Abstract and Abstract Writing: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/4-oz-ve-ozet-yazimi/ 
ISNAD Citation and Citation: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/20-atif-ve-alinti-yapmak/ 
ISNAD Academic Writing: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/ 

During the submission, the following commitment is received from the author in electronic form:
1. I am authorized/authorized by co-authors to submit this work to your journal.
2. The article is original, has not been officially published in another peer-reviewed journal, has not been reviewed by any other journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or other third-party rights.
3. I/we agree that if the article is editorially accepted for publication, it will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
4. Copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s) or employer(s) of the author(s), if any, are reserved. The author(s) undertake(s) that the publisher is not responsible for any claims or lawsuits to be filed by third parties due to copyright infringement, and that all responsibility belongs to them.
5. The author(s) undertake(s) that there is no criminal or illegal statement in the article, and that no illegal materials and methods are used while conducting the research.


Plagiarism Detection
Bu makale intihal taramasından geçirildi.
This paper was checked for plagiarism.

Publication Ethics
NISAR Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
• Yayın Etiği/ Publication Ethics
NİSAR Dergisi, araştırma ve yayın etiği konusunda ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara bağlıdır. Basın Kanunu, Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu ile Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi'ne uymaktadır. Ayrıca Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ve Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) tarafından yayınlanan uluslararası etik yayıncılık ilkelerini benimsemiştir. Dergimiz Akademik Yayıncılıkta Şeffaflık ve En İyi Uygulama İlkeleri'nde açıklanan yönergelere de tabidir.
NISAR Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

• Etik Beyan/ Ethical Statement
Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde bilimsel ve etik ilkelere uyulduğu ve yararlanılan tüm çalışmaların kaynakçada belirtildiği beyan olunur.
It is declared that scientific and ethical principles have been followed while carrying out and writing this study and that all the sources used have been properly cited.

• Finansman/ Grant Support
Yazar(lar) bu çalışma için finansal destek almadığını beyan etmiştir.
The author(s) declared that this study has received no financial support.

• Çıkar Çatışması/ Conflict of Interest

Yazar(lar) çıkar çatışması bildirmemiştir.
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.

• Yazarların Katkıları/Authors Contributions

Çalışmanın Tasarlanması: Yazar-1 (%55), Yazar-2 (%45)
Veri Toplanması: Yazar-1 (%50), Yazar-2 (%50)
Veri Analizi: Yazar-1 (%60), Yazar-2 (%40)
Makale Gönderimi ve Revizyonu: Yazar-1 (%90), Yazar-2 (%10)
Conceiving the Study: Author-1 (%55), Author-2 (%45)
Data Collection: Author-1 (%50), Author-2 (%50)
Data Analysis: Author-1 (%60), Author-2 (%40)
Submission and Revision: Author-1 (%90), Author-2 (%10)

• Etik Komite Onayı/ Ethical Approval
.... Üniversitesi Etik Kurulu Başkanlığının ... tarihli ... sayılı kararıyla gerekli etik izinler alınmıştır. Ayrıca, çalışmada Helsinki Bildirgesi’ndeki araştırma ilkelerine bağlı kalınmıştır.
An application for ethical approval was made to .... University Ethics Committee and the necessary ethical permissions were obtained with the decision numbered .... dated ...2022. In addition, the study adhered to the research principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

• Açık Erişim Lisansı/ Open Access License
Bu makale, Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).

• Telif Hakkı/ Copyright

• Yazar(lar)/Author(s)

Last Update Time: 5/27/24, 8:37:17 AM