Plagiarism Policy

Editorial Board of the KADEM The Journal of Women's Studies complies with the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

We accept all terms and conditions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) about plagiarism. In case any attempt of plagiarism is brought to our attention accompanied by convincing evidence, we act based on flow charts and workflows determined in COPE.

The submitted papers are subjected to the plagiarism detection which provides  the originality report and similarity index. If the similarity report surpasses 21%, excluding references (sources), the article are returned to the authors. In the case of the suspicion of plagiarism or simultaneous submissions articles are declined by the Editorial Board. 

Editorial board use Ithenticate as a tool for Online Plagiarism Detection. 

We don't accept the plagiarism reports that are provided by authors. 

Last Update Time: 3/27/24, 11:52:31 AM