Peer Review Process

Blind Review

A double blind review process is being implemented to all manuscripts which submitted to the Archivum Anatolicum-Anatolian Archives. In this process, the identity of the author(s) and the reviewers are not revealed.

The Process of Pre-Evaluation

The Editor(s) and the Advisory Board of the Archivum Anatolicum-Anatolian Archives assess initially the manuscripts submitted to the Journal. Manuscripts that do not comply with the goals and scope of the journal, that are not written in accordance with the grammatical structures of the languages (Turkish, English, German and Italian) accepted in the Journal, that are not original, or that are not meet the publishing policies are refused without sending to the external reviewers. In this case, the Editor informs the writer(s) of the related manuscript within 2 weeks at the latest following the submission date. For the manuscripts accepted for publication the peer review process begins.

The Reviewer Assignment Process

The approved manuscripts are sent to the reviewers that are assigned for their relevant fields with the subject and concept of the related manuscript. The member of the Editorial Board who preestimates the manuscript may suggests at least two reviewers in according with their fields of expertise from the reviewer pool of Archivum Anatolicum-Anatolian Archives, or may recommends new reviewer(s) that are outside of the pool but related to the area of the manuscript’s subject. The reviewer suggestions of the Editorial Board member in charge are evaluated by the Editor and in the case of approval the manuscript is delivered to the reviewers. The experts that accept to be a reviewer guaranty not to share the process and information, and documents regarding the manuscripts with the third parties and organizations.

The Review Process

The reviewers must send their reports at least 15 days after receiving the manuscripts. The authors are given 15 days for performing the necessary corrections and rearrangements in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers. Reviewers may suggest at most two rounds of revision for the same manuscript. Reviewers evaluate the revised version of the manuscript and give their final decision as “issuable” or “not issuable”.

The Result of the Review

The member of the Editorial Board who is responsible for the manuscript evaluates the reports of the reviewers within two weeks at most and forwards his or her decision about the manuscript to the Editor.

Editor’s Decision

If a manuscript is accepted for publication by the reviewers and the editorial board the Editor give a final decision on the manuscript according to the results of plagiarism detection reports for which the iThenticate software is used. “Not issuable” or “rejected” manuscripts returned to their authors without being subjected to plagiarism detection. Authors of the accepted manuscripts must fill and sign the waiver or “the Copyright Transfer Form” before the publication stage and send it to the Editor.

Last Update Time: 11/1/18, 1:44:22 PM