Copyright Policy and Licensing

Ethical Principles and Commitments

By signing the Copyright Form and submitting it to AndHD, authors accept and declare (a) that the manuscript submitted to AndHD has been prepared in compliance with AndHD’s Ethical Principle and Publication Policy, and the best practices set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), (b) that the work is original, (c) that it does not violate the personal and copyright rights of others, (d) that it has not been published elsewhere or sent elsewhere for publication, (e) that the text, figures, photographs, documents and other visuals in the manuscript do not violate the copyrights of other individuals or institutions; (f) that the manuscript is to be published in an issue deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board after the completion of the review process. 

Transfer of Copyright and the Rights of the Authors in the Review Process

Authors who sign the Copyright Form and submit it to AndHD transfer all kinds of public communication and financial rights, including processing, reproduction, representation, printing, publication, publication, distribution, and transmission via the internet, to Anadolu University Journal of Law Faculty, without limitation in terms of number, place and duration. Once an editor is assigned to the manuscript, the review process is considered to have started and the manuscript cannot be withdrawn. However, upon the request of the corresponding author and the decision of the Editorial Board, the manuscript and the copyright attached may be returned to the author(s).


Authors are not charged and paid for copyright transfer, review process and publication of manuscripts.

Copyright Pertaining the Manuscripts Accepted for Publication

Manuscripts accepted for publication after the review process are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license by AndHD. This license grants third parties the right to copy and redistribute the manuscript in any medium or format but prohibits commercial use. If the work is used for non-commercial purposes, it is obligatory to refer to the manuscript, to provide a link to the license and, if the work has been modified, to provide information. The fulfillment of these conditions does not imply that AndHD, as the licensee, approves third parties and the manner of use by third parties. The use of the manuscripts by the authors is also subject to this license. The copyright transferred with this form also covers the final version of the manuscript that is ready for publication after changes are made in line with the suggestions of the editors and reviewers.

Copyright Pertaining the Rejected Manuscripts 

If the manuscript is not deemed suitable for publication for any reason, the copyright is returned to the author.

Last Update Time: 11/4/21, 5:52:19 PM
