Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 181 - 198, 12.07.2019


Event study methodology, which relies on market efficiency, investigates stock price changes after an event. Despite this methodology arises in the finance literature, it found a wide execution area including the marketing literature. Event study makes it possible to observe the effect of diverse marketing activities on financial value and is therefore very suitable for understanding marketingfinance interface. Empirical findings of product recall studies suggest that a product recall cause to a decrease the firm value. Furthermore, product recall studies adopt event studies that help better understand the reactions of the investors to different marketing strategies in a crisis context. However, only limited studies are available in this field. This paper covers (1) an instruction an instruction of the methodology, (2) a review that highlights the implementations of the method in the marketing literature, (3) summary of studies that measure the effect of marketing strategies in the product recall context, and (4) propositions for further empirical testing. We aim to guide further empirical studies.


  • AUSTIN, L., Fisher Liu, B., Jin, Y. (2012). How Audiences Seek Out Crisis Information: Exploring the Social-Mediated Crisis Communication Model. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 40(2), 188-207.
  • BALL, R., Brown, P. (1968). An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers. Journal of Accounting Research, 159-178.
  • BEAMISH, P. W., Bapuji, H. (2008). Toy Recalls and China: Emotion vs. Evidence. Management and Organization Review, 4(2), 197-209.
  • BERMAN, B. (1999). Planning For the Inevitable Product Recall. Business Horizons, 42(2), 69–78.
  • BESSEMBINDER, H., Zhang, F. (2013). Firm Characteristics and Long-Run Stock Returns after Corporate Events. Journal of Financial Economics, 109(1), 83-102.
  • BINDER, J. (1998). The Event Study Methodology since 1969. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 11(2), 111-137.
  • BOEHMER, E., Musumeci, J., Poulsen, A. B. (1991). Event-Study Methodology under Conditions of Event-Induced Variance. Journal of Financial Economics, 30(2), 253-272.
  • BORAH, A., Tellis, G. J. (2014). Make, Buy, Or Ally? Choice Of and Payoff from Announcements of Alternate Strategies for Innovations. Marketing Science, 33(1), 114–133.
  • BROWN, S. J., Warner, J. B. (1980). Measuring Security Price Performance. Journal of Financial Economics, 8(3), 205-258.
  • BROWN, S. J., Warner, J. B. (1985). Using Daily Stock Returns: The Case of Event Studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 14(1), 3-31.
  • CABALLERO, R. J. (1991). On The Sign of the Investment-Uncertainty Relationship. The American Economic Review, 81(1), 279-288.
  • CAMPBELL, J. Y., Lo, A. W., Mackinlay, A. C. (1997). The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • CARHART, M. M. (1997). On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance. The Journal of Finance, 52(1), 57-82.
  • CHAO, G. H., Iravani, S. M. R., Savaskan, R. C. (2009). Quality Improvement Incentives And Product Recall Cost Sharing Contracts. Management Science, 55(7), 1122–1138.
  • CHEN, Y., Ganesan, S., Liu, Y. (2009). Does A Firm’s Product-Recall Strategy Affect Its Financial Value? An Examination of Strategic Alternatives during Product-Harm Crises. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 214-226.
  • CHEN, Y., Nguyen, N. H. (2013). Stock Price And Analyst Earnings Forecast Around Product Recall Announcements. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(6), 1.
  • CHU, T. H., Lin, C. C., Prather, L. J. (2005). An Extension of Security Price Reactions around Product Recall Announcements. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 33-48.
  • COOMBS, W. T. (1995). Choosing the Right Words: The Development of Guidelines for the Selection of the “Appropriate” Crisis-Response Strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 8(4), 447-476.
  • COOMBS, W. T. (2015). Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • CORNELISSEN, J. (2000). Corporate Image: An Audience Centred Model. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 119-125.
  • DAWAR, N., Pillutla, M. N. (2000). Impact of Product-Harm Crises on Brand Equity: The Moderating Role of Consumer Expectations. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 215–226.
  • DAVIDSON, W., Worrell, D., Lee, C. (1994) Stock Market Reactions To Announced Corporate Illegalities. Journal of Business Ethics, 13, 979-987.
  • DOLLEY, J. C. (1933). Characteristics and Procedure of Common Stock Split-Ups. Harvard Business Review, 11(3), 316-326.
  • DANIEL, K., Grinblatt, M., Titman, S., Wermers, R. (1997). Measuring Mutual Fund Performance with Characteristic‐Based Benchmarks. The Journal of Finance, 52(3), 1035-1058.
  • DIESTRE, L., Rajagopalan, N. (2014). Toward An Input-Based Perspective on Categorization: Investor Reactions to Chemical Accidents. Academy Of Management Journal, 57(4), 1130-1153.
  • EILERT, M., Jayachandran, S., Kalaignanam, K., Swartz, T. A. (2017). Does It Pay To Recall Your Product Early? An Empirical Investigation in the Automobile Industry. Journal of Marketing, 81(3), 111-129.
  • ELBERSE, A. (2007). The Power Of Stars: Do Star Actors Drive The Success of Movies? Journal of Marketing, 71(4), 102–120.
  • FAMA, E. F., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. C., Roll, R. (1969). The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information. International Economic Review, 10(1), 1-21.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1970). Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work. The Journal of Finance, 25(2), 383-417.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1991). Efficient Capital Markets: II. The Journal of Finance, 46(5), 1575-1617.
  • FAMA, E. F., French, K. R. (1993). Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds. Journal of Financial Economics, 33(1), 3-56.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1998). Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance. Journal of Financial Economics, 49(3), 283-306.
  • FEARN-BANKS, K. (2007), Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach, 3rd Ed., Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • GIELENS, K., Van De Gucht, L. M., Steenkamp, J. B. E., Dekimpe, M. G. (2008). Dancing With A Giant: The Effect of Wal-Mart’s Entry into the United Kingdom on the Performance of European Retailers. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(5), 519–534
  • GREENSTONE, M., Oyer, P., Vissing-Jorgensen, A. (2006). Mandated Disclosure, Stock Returns, and the 1964 Securities Acts Amendments. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), 399-460.
  • HOMBURG, C., Vollmayr, J., Hahn, A. (2014). Firm Value Creation through Major Channel Expansions: Evidence from an Event Study in the United States, Germany, and China. Journal of Marketing, 78(3), 38–61
  • HORA, M., Bapuji, H., Roth, A. V. (2011). Safety Hazard and Time to Recall: The Role Of Recall Strategy, Product Defect Type, And Supply Chain Player In The U.S. Toy Industry. Journal of Operations Management, 29(7), 766–777.
  • HSU, L., Lawrence, B. (2016). The Role of Social Media and Brand Equity during a Product Recall Crisis: A Shareholder Value Perspective. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(1), 59-77.
  • JARRELL, G., Peltzman, S. (1985). The Impact of Product Recalls on the Wealth of Sellers. Journal of Political Economy, 93(3), 512–536.
  • KALAIGNANAM, K., Bahadir, S. C. (2013). Corporate Brand Name Changes And Business Restructuring: Is The Relationship Complementary Or Substitutive?. Journal of the Academy Of Marketing Science, 41(4), 456-472.
  • KOH, J., Venkatraman, N. (1991). Joint Venture Formations and Stock Market Reactions: An Assessment in the Information Technology Sector. Academy of Management Journal, 34(4), 869-892.
  • KOTHARI, S. P., Warner, J. B. (2007). Econometrics of Event Studies. Handbook of Empirical Corporate Finance, 1, 3-36.
  • LAUFER, D., Jung, J. M. (2010). Incorporating Regulatory Focus Theory in Product Recall Communications to Increase Compliance with a Product Recall. Public Relations Review, 36(2), 147-151.
  • LEE, D. S., Mas, A. (2012). Long-Run Impacts of Unions on Firms: New Evidence from Financial Markets, 1961–1999. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(1), 333-378.
  • LIU, Y., Shankar, V., Yun, W. (2017). Crisis Management Strategies and the Long-Term Effects of Product Recalls on Firm Value. Journal of Marketing, 81(5), 30-48.
  • LOUGHRAN, T., Ritter, J. R. (2000). Uniformly Least Powerful Tests of Market Efficiency. Journal of Financial Economics, 55(3), 361-389.
  • MACKINLAY, A. C. (1997). Event Studies in Economics and Finance. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(1), 13-39.
  • MCWILLIAMS, A., Siegel, D. (1997). Event Studies in Management Research: Theoretical and Empirical Issues. Academy Of Management Journal, 40(3), 626-657.
  • MARKWICK, N., Fill, C. (1997). Towards A Framework For Managing Corporate Identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 396-409.
  • NI, J. Z., Flynn, B. B., Jacobs, F. R. (2014). Impact of Product Recall Announcements on Retailers’ Financial Value. International Journal of Production Economics, 153, 309-322.
  • PETERSON, P. P. (1989). Event Studies: A Review of Issues and Methodology. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 36-66.
  • SIOMKOS, G., Kurzbard, G. (1994). The Hidden Crisis in Product-Harm Crisis Management. European Journal of Management, 28(2), 30– 41.
  • SOOD, A., Tellis, G. J. (2009). Do Innovations Really Pay Off? Total Stock Market Returns to Innovation. Marketing Science, 28(3), 442-456.
  • SORESCU, A., Chandy, R. K., Prabhu, J. C. (2007). Why Some Acquisitions Do Better Than Others: Product Capital As A Driver Of Long-Term Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing Research, 44(1), 57–72.
  • SORESCU, A., Warren, N. L., Ertekin, L. (2017). Event Study Methodology in the Marketing Literature: An Overview. Journal of the Academy Of Marketing Science, 45(2), 186-207.
  • SOUIDEN, N., Pons, F. (2009). Product Recall Crisis Management: The Impact on Manufacturer’s Image, Consumer Loyalty and Purchase Intention. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(2), 106-114.
  • SRINIVASAN, S., Hanssens, D. M. (2009). Marketing and Firm Value: Metrics, Methods, Findings, and Future Directions. Journal of Marketing Research, 46(3), 293-312.
  • STOCKER, K. P. (1997). A Strategic Approach to Crisis Management. C. L. Caywood (Ed.). In The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations &Integrated Communications, Boston, MA: Mcgraw Hill, 1997, 189-203.
  • SUBRAMANI, M., Walden, E. (2001). The Impact of E-Commerce Announcements on the Market Value of Firms. Information Systems Research, 12(2), 135-154.
  • SWAMINATHAN, V., Moorman, C. (2009). Marketing Alliances, Firm Networks, and Firm Value Creation. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), 52-69.
  • TELLIS, G. J., Johnson, J. (2007). The Value of Quality. Marketing Science, 26(6), 758–773.
  • THIRUMALAI, S., Sinha, K. K. (2011). Product Recalls in the Medical Device Industry: An Empirical Exploration of the Sources and Financial Consequences. Management Science, 57(2), 376-392.
  • WILES, M. A., Morgan, N. A., Rego, L. L. (2012). The Effect of Brand Acquisition and Disposal on Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing, 76(1), 38–58.
  • YANG, S. B., Lim, J. H., Oh, W., Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A. (2012). Research Note-Using Real Options to Investigate the Market Value of Virtual World Businesses. Information Systems Research, 23(3-Part-2), 1011-1029.
  • YANG, H., Zheng, Y., Zaheer, A. (2015). Asymmetric Learning Capabilities and Stock Market Returns. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 356-374.
Year 2019, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 181 - 198, 12.07.2019



  • AUSTIN, L., Fisher Liu, B., Jin, Y. (2012). How Audiences Seek Out Crisis Information: Exploring the Social-Mediated Crisis Communication Model. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 40(2), 188-207.
  • BALL, R., Brown, P. (1968). An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers. Journal of Accounting Research, 159-178.
  • BEAMISH, P. W., Bapuji, H. (2008). Toy Recalls and China: Emotion vs. Evidence. Management and Organization Review, 4(2), 197-209.
  • BERMAN, B. (1999). Planning For the Inevitable Product Recall. Business Horizons, 42(2), 69–78.
  • BESSEMBINDER, H., Zhang, F. (2013). Firm Characteristics and Long-Run Stock Returns after Corporate Events. Journal of Financial Economics, 109(1), 83-102.
  • BINDER, J. (1998). The Event Study Methodology since 1969. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 11(2), 111-137.
  • BOEHMER, E., Musumeci, J., Poulsen, A. B. (1991). Event-Study Methodology under Conditions of Event-Induced Variance. Journal of Financial Economics, 30(2), 253-272.
  • BORAH, A., Tellis, G. J. (2014). Make, Buy, Or Ally? Choice Of and Payoff from Announcements of Alternate Strategies for Innovations. Marketing Science, 33(1), 114–133.
  • BROWN, S. J., Warner, J. B. (1980). Measuring Security Price Performance. Journal of Financial Economics, 8(3), 205-258.
  • BROWN, S. J., Warner, J. B. (1985). Using Daily Stock Returns: The Case of Event Studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 14(1), 3-31.
  • CABALLERO, R. J. (1991). On The Sign of the Investment-Uncertainty Relationship. The American Economic Review, 81(1), 279-288.
  • CAMPBELL, J. Y., Lo, A. W., Mackinlay, A. C. (1997). The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • CARHART, M. M. (1997). On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance. The Journal of Finance, 52(1), 57-82.
  • CHAO, G. H., Iravani, S. M. R., Savaskan, R. C. (2009). Quality Improvement Incentives And Product Recall Cost Sharing Contracts. Management Science, 55(7), 1122–1138.
  • CHEN, Y., Ganesan, S., Liu, Y. (2009). Does A Firm’s Product-Recall Strategy Affect Its Financial Value? An Examination of Strategic Alternatives during Product-Harm Crises. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 214-226.
  • CHEN, Y., Nguyen, N. H. (2013). Stock Price And Analyst Earnings Forecast Around Product Recall Announcements. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(6), 1.
  • CHU, T. H., Lin, C. C., Prather, L. J. (2005). An Extension of Security Price Reactions around Product Recall Announcements. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 33-48.
  • COOMBS, W. T. (1995). Choosing the Right Words: The Development of Guidelines for the Selection of the “Appropriate” Crisis-Response Strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 8(4), 447-476.
  • COOMBS, W. T. (2015). Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • CORNELISSEN, J. (2000). Corporate Image: An Audience Centred Model. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 119-125.
  • DAWAR, N., Pillutla, M. N. (2000). Impact of Product-Harm Crises on Brand Equity: The Moderating Role of Consumer Expectations. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 215–226.
  • DAVIDSON, W., Worrell, D., Lee, C. (1994) Stock Market Reactions To Announced Corporate Illegalities. Journal of Business Ethics, 13, 979-987.
  • DOLLEY, J. C. (1933). Characteristics and Procedure of Common Stock Split-Ups. Harvard Business Review, 11(3), 316-326.
  • DANIEL, K., Grinblatt, M., Titman, S., Wermers, R. (1997). Measuring Mutual Fund Performance with Characteristic‐Based Benchmarks. The Journal of Finance, 52(3), 1035-1058.
  • DIESTRE, L., Rajagopalan, N. (2014). Toward An Input-Based Perspective on Categorization: Investor Reactions to Chemical Accidents. Academy Of Management Journal, 57(4), 1130-1153.
  • EILERT, M., Jayachandran, S., Kalaignanam, K., Swartz, T. A. (2017). Does It Pay To Recall Your Product Early? An Empirical Investigation in the Automobile Industry. Journal of Marketing, 81(3), 111-129.
  • ELBERSE, A. (2007). The Power Of Stars: Do Star Actors Drive The Success of Movies? Journal of Marketing, 71(4), 102–120.
  • FAMA, E. F., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. C., Roll, R. (1969). The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information. International Economic Review, 10(1), 1-21.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1970). Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work. The Journal of Finance, 25(2), 383-417.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1991). Efficient Capital Markets: II. The Journal of Finance, 46(5), 1575-1617.
  • FAMA, E. F., French, K. R. (1993). Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds. Journal of Financial Economics, 33(1), 3-56.
  • FAMA, E. F. (1998). Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance. Journal of Financial Economics, 49(3), 283-306.
  • FEARN-BANKS, K. (2007), Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach, 3rd Ed., Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • GIELENS, K., Van De Gucht, L. M., Steenkamp, J. B. E., Dekimpe, M. G. (2008). Dancing With A Giant: The Effect of Wal-Mart’s Entry into the United Kingdom on the Performance of European Retailers. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(5), 519–534
  • GREENSTONE, M., Oyer, P., Vissing-Jorgensen, A. (2006). Mandated Disclosure, Stock Returns, and the 1964 Securities Acts Amendments. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), 399-460.
  • HOMBURG, C., Vollmayr, J., Hahn, A. (2014). Firm Value Creation through Major Channel Expansions: Evidence from an Event Study in the United States, Germany, and China. Journal of Marketing, 78(3), 38–61
  • HORA, M., Bapuji, H., Roth, A. V. (2011). Safety Hazard and Time to Recall: The Role Of Recall Strategy, Product Defect Type, And Supply Chain Player In The U.S. Toy Industry. Journal of Operations Management, 29(7), 766–777.
  • HSU, L., Lawrence, B. (2016). The Role of Social Media and Brand Equity during a Product Recall Crisis: A Shareholder Value Perspective. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(1), 59-77.
  • JARRELL, G., Peltzman, S. (1985). The Impact of Product Recalls on the Wealth of Sellers. Journal of Political Economy, 93(3), 512–536.
  • KALAIGNANAM, K., Bahadir, S. C. (2013). Corporate Brand Name Changes And Business Restructuring: Is The Relationship Complementary Or Substitutive?. Journal of the Academy Of Marketing Science, 41(4), 456-472.
  • KOH, J., Venkatraman, N. (1991). Joint Venture Formations and Stock Market Reactions: An Assessment in the Information Technology Sector. Academy of Management Journal, 34(4), 869-892.
  • KOTHARI, S. P., Warner, J. B. (2007). Econometrics of Event Studies. Handbook of Empirical Corporate Finance, 1, 3-36.
  • LAUFER, D., Jung, J. M. (2010). Incorporating Regulatory Focus Theory in Product Recall Communications to Increase Compliance with a Product Recall. Public Relations Review, 36(2), 147-151.
  • LEE, D. S., Mas, A. (2012). Long-Run Impacts of Unions on Firms: New Evidence from Financial Markets, 1961–1999. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(1), 333-378.
  • LIU, Y., Shankar, V., Yun, W. (2017). Crisis Management Strategies and the Long-Term Effects of Product Recalls on Firm Value. Journal of Marketing, 81(5), 30-48.
  • LOUGHRAN, T., Ritter, J. R. (2000). Uniformly Least Powerful Tests of Market Efficiency. Journal of Financial Economics, 55(3), 361-389.
  • MACKINLAY, A. C. (1997). Event Studies in Economics and Finance. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(1), 13-39.
  • MCWILLIAMS, A., Siegel, D. (1997). Event Studies in Management Research: Theoretical and Empirical Issues. Academy Of Management Journal, 40(3), 626-657.
  • MARKWICK, N., Fill, C. (1997). Towards A Framework For Managing Corporate Identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 396-409.
  • NI, J. Z., Flynn, B. B., Jacobs, F. R. (2014). Impact of Product Recall Announcements on Retailers’ Financial Value. International Journal of Production Economics, 153, 309-322.
  • PETERSON, P. P. (1989). Event Studies: A Review of Issues and Methodology. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 36-66.
  • SIOMKOS, G., Kurzbard, G. (1994). The Hidden Crisis in Product-Harm Crisis Management. European Journal of Management, 28(2), 30– 41.
  • SOOD, A., Tellis, G. J. (2009). Do Innovations Really Pay Off? Total Stock Market Returns to Innovation. Marketing Science, 28(3), 442-456.
  • SORESCU, A., Chandy, R. K., Prabhu, J. C. (2007). Why Some Acquisitions Do Better Than Others: Product Capital As A Driver Of Long-Term Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing Research, 44(1), 57–72.
  • SORESCU, A., Warren, N. L., Ertekin, L. (2017). Event Study Methodology in the Marketing Literature: An Overview. Journal of the Academy Of Marketing Science, 45(2), 186-207.
  • SOUIDEN, N., Pons, F. (2009). Product Recall Crisis Management: The Impact on Manufacturer’s Image, Consumer Loyalty and Purchase Intention. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(2), 106-114.
  • SRINIVASAN, S., Hanssens, D. M. (2009). Marketing and Firm Value: Metrics, Methods, Findings, and Future Directions. Journal of Marketing Research, 46(3), 293-312.
  • STOCKER, K. P. (1997). A Strategic Approach to Crisis Management. C. L. Caywood (Ed.). In The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations &Integrated Communications, Boston, MA: Mcgraw Hill, 1997, 189-203.
  • SUBRAMANI, M., Walden, E. (2001). The Impact of E-Commerce Announcements on the Market Value of Firms. Information Systems Research, 12(2), 135-154.
  • SWAMINATHAN, V., Moorman, C. (2009). Marketing Alliances, Firm Networks, and Firm Value Creation. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), 52-69.
  • TELLIS, G. J., Johnson, J. (2007). The Value of Quality. Marketing Science, 26(6), 758–773.
  • THIRUMALAI, S., Sinha, K. K. (2011). Product Recalls in the Medical Device Industry: An Empirical Exploration of the Sources and Financial Consequences. Management Science, 57(2), 376-392.
  • WILES, M. A., Morgan, N. A., Rego, L. L. (2012). The Effect of Brand Acquisition and Disposal on Stock Returns. Journal of Marketing, 76(1), 38–58.
  • YANG, S. B., Lim, J. H., Oh, W., Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A. (2012). Research Note-Using Real Options to Investigate the Market Value of Virtual World Businesses. Information Systems Research, 23(3-Part-2), 1011-1029.
  • YANG, H., Zheng, Y., Zaheer, A. (2015). Asymmetric Learning Capabilities and Stock Market Returns. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 356-374.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Fatma Hilal Ergen Keleş This is me 0000-0002-3914-6459

Burç Ülengin 0000-0001-5276-8861

Publication Date July 12, 2019
Submission Date February 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 41 Issue: 1


APA Ergen Keleş, F. H., & Ülengin, B. (2019). ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 41(1), 181-198.
AMA Ergen Keleş FH, Ülengin B. ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. July 2019;41(1):181-198. doi:10.14780/muiibd.582318
Chicago Ergen Keleş, Fatma Hilal, and Burç Ülengin. “ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 41, no. 1 (July 2019): 181-98.
EndNote Ergen Keleş FH, Ülengin B (July 1, 2019) ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 41 1 181–198.
IEEE F. H. Ergen Keleş and B. Ülengin, “ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 181–198, 2019, doi: 10.14780/muiibd.582318.
ISNAD Ergen Keleş, Fatma Hilal - Ülengin, Burç. “ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 41/1 (July 2019), 181-198.
JAMA Ergen Keleş FH, Ülengin B. ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2019;41:181–198.
MLA Ergen Keleş, Fatma Hilal and Burç Ülengin. “ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES”. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 1, 2019, pp. 181-98, doi:10.14780/muiibd.582318.
Vancouver Ergen Keleş FH, Ülengin B. ISSUES IN THE USE OF THE EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES IN PRODUCT RECALL STUDIES. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 2019;41(1):181-98.

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