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Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau'nun Türk Algısı

Year 2012, Issue: 56, 55 - 85, 28.11.2013


1913 yılında Başkan Woodrow Wilson tarafından büyükelçi olarak İstanbul'da görevlendirilen Henry Morgenthau, 1916 yılına kadar bu görevde kaldı. Morgenthau görev süresi içerisinde İttihat Terakki ileri gelenleri ile yakın ilişkide bulundu. Bir büyükelçinin yetkisini ve görev tanımını aşan pek çok olaya müdahil oldu. İstanbul'daki görevi esnasında Amerika ve Avrupa basınını kurgu iddialar ile yönlendirmekte sakınca görmedi. Görevi bittikten sonra ise yayınladığı hatıralarında pek çok mesnetsiz iddiayı gündeme getirdi. Türk ve Alman milletine hakaretlerde bulunmakta tereddüt etmedi. Morgenthau'nun iddialarına, kurgu hadise nakillerine muhataplarının bir kısmı cevap verebildi, bir kısmı ise bu şansa sahip olamadı. Dönemin diğer belge ve yazışmaları incelendiğinde Morgenthau'nun iddialarının çoğunun kurgu olduğu görüldü


In 1913 President Woodrow Wilson appointed Henry Morgenthau as ambassador to Turkey and he was in this post until 1916. During his ambassadorship Morgenthau arranged close relations with Union and Progress Party (Ittihat Terakki) leaders and intervened several activities exceeding and ambassador's duties and privileges. During his mission in Istanbul he did not hesitate to steer American and European media in the way of his fiction pretences. Even after his post he published his memoirs including lot of baseless pretences and he constantly libeled to Turkish and German Nations with the worst impolite words. Some of his baseless pretences were disclaimed by the persons he pointed, many were not. When other documents and correspondences of the era viewed it is understood that pretences of Morgenthau were mostly fictional.


  • Gazeteler New York Times Washington Post Los Angeles Times Chicago Daily Tribune Kitaplar
  • Açıkses, Erdal, Amerikalıların Harput’taki Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 2003.
  • Benson, E. F., Crescent and Iron Cross/Hilal ve Demir Haç, George H. Doran Company, New York 1918.
  • Cardashian, Vahan, “Turkey’s Account with Civilization/Türkiye’nin Medeniyetle İmtihanı”, New York Times, June 26 1916.
  • Cemal Paşa, Hatıralar, haz. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür
  • Congress Executive Documents, Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish, House of Representatives, 1875-1876, Legation of the USA, Constantinople, July 23 1875, Government Printing Office, Washington 1876.
  • Correspondence Respecting Events Leading to the Rupture of Relations with Turkey, Sir L. Mallet to Sir Edward Grey, Constantinople, August 20, 1914, Harrison and Sons, London 1914.
  • Cox, Samuel Sullivan, Bir Amerikan Diplomatının İstanbul Anıları 1885- 1887, çev. Gül Çağalı Güven, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Daniel, Robert L., “The Armenian Question and American-Turkish Relations, 1914-1927/Ermeni Sorunu ve Amerika-Türkiye İlişkileri 1914- 1927”, The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, ILVI/2 (Eylül 1959), 252-275.
  • Engin, Vahdettin, Pazarlık, Yeditepe Yayınları, İstanbul 20107.
  • Erhan, Çağrı, Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Tarihsel Kökenleri, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara 2001.
  • Foreign Office, Sir Edward Grey to Sir L. Mallet, September 16, 1914, Harrison and Sons, London 1914.
  • Index to the Executive Documents, 1878-79, Translation of telegram referred to in Mr. Cole [Missioner] to Mr. Maynard, Erzeroum, September 10, 1878, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1879.
  • Kaçaznuni, Ovannes, Taşnak Partisi’nin Yapacağı Bir Şey Yok (1923 Parti Konferansı’na Rapor), Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul 20067.
  • Lowry, Heath, Büyükelçi M orgenthau’nun Öyküsünün Perde Arkası, çev. Belkıs Torfilli, Isıs Yayıncılık, İstanbul 1991.
  • Morgenthau, Henry in collaboration with French Strother, All in Life Time/Bütün Yaşamım, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1922.
  • Morgenthau, Henry, “The Attitude of the United States toward Europe/ABD’nin Avrupa Yaklaşımı”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 96, The Place of the United States in a World Organization for the Maintenance of Peace (Temmuz 1921), 68-69.
  • _____________, “A Vision of the Red Cross After the War/Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Kızıl Haç’ın Vizyonu”, New York Times, December 18, 1917. _____________,
  • Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story/Büyükelçi
  • Morgenthau’nun Öyküsü, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York 1919.
  • _____________, Secret’s of The Bosphorus, Constantinople 1913- 1916/Boğaziçi’nin Gizleri, İstanbul 1913-1916, Hutchinson and Co Patternoster Row, Londra t.y.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, November 18, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Secretary of State to the President Wilson, Washington, November, 21, 1916, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, November 4, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, December 1, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Paris Peace Conference 1919, Volume XI, Minutes of the Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, October 8, 1919, 11 a.m. Views of Hain Nahum, Grand Rabbi of Turkey, Government Printing Office, Washington 1945.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, Ambassador Morgenthau to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Constantinople, September 18, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1924.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Morgenthau, Sublime Porte, Constantinople, November 26, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1924.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, The Secretary of State to the Turkish Ambassador, Department of State, Washington, September 16, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1922.
  • Talat Paşa’nın Anıları, haz. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası
  • von Sanders, Limon, Türkiye’de Beş Yıl, çev. Eşref Bengi Özbilen, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Washburn, George, Fifty Years in Constantinople and Recollections of Robert College/İstanbul’da Elli Yıl ve Robert Koleji Anıları, The University Press of Cambridge, Boston ve New York 1909.
  • Yale, William, “Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s Special Mission of 1917/Büyükelçi Morgenthau’nun 1917 Yılındaki Özel Görevi”, World Politics, I/3 (April 1949), 308-320. EKLER EK-1
  • Morgenthau’nun New York Times’ta İstanbul Polis Müdürü Bedri Bey ile ilgili
  • yayınlattığını söylediği haberin orijinali
  • New York Times, February 27, 1915, s. 4.
Year 2012, Issue: 56, 55 - 85, 28.11.2013



  • Gazeteler New York Times Washington Post Los Angeles Times Chicago Daily Tribune Kitaplar
  • Açıkses, Erdal, Amerikalıların Harput’taki Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 2003.
  • Benson, E. F., Crescent and Iron Cross/Hilal ve Demir Haç, George H. Doran Company, New York 1918.
  • Cardashian, Vahan, “Turkey’s Account with Civilization/Türkiye’nin Medeniyetle İmtihanı”, New York Times, June 26 1916.
  • Cemal Paşa, Hatıralar, haz. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür
  • Congress Executive Documents, Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish, House of Representatives, 1875-1876, Legation of the USA, Constantinople, July 23 1875, Government Printing Office, Washington 1876.
  • Correspondence Respecting Events Leading to the Rupture of Relations with Turkey, Sir L. Mallet to Sir Edward Grey, Constantinople, August 20, 1914, Harrison and Sons, London 1914.
  • Cox, Samuel Sullivan, Bir Amerikan Diplomatının İstanbul Anıları 1885- 1887, çev. Gül Çağalı Güven, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Daniel, Robert L., “The Armenian Question and American-Turkish Relations, 1914-1927/Ermeni Sorunu ve Amerika-Türkiye İlişkileri 1914- 1927”, The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, ILVI/2 (Eylül 1959), 252-275.
  • Engin, Vahdettin, Pazarlık, Yeditepe Yayınları, İstanbul 20107.
  • Erhan, Çağrı, Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Tarihsel Kökenleri, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara 2001.
  • Foreign Office, Sir Edward Grey to Sir L. Mallet, September 16, 1914, Harrison and Sons, London 1914.
  • Index to the Executive Documents, 1878-79, Translation of telegram referred to in Mr. Cole [Missioner] to Mr. Maynard, Erzeroum, September 10, 1878, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1879.
  • Kaçaznuni, Ovannes, Taşnak Partisi’nin Yapacağı Bir Şey Yok (1923 Parti Konferansı’na Rapor), Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul 20067.
  • Lowry, Heath, Büyükelçi M orgenthau’nun Öyküsünün Perde Arkası, çev. Belkıs Torfilli, Isıs Yayıncılık, İstanbul 1991.
  • Morgenthau, Henry in collaboration with French Strother, All in Life Time/Bütün Yaşamım, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1922.
  • Morgenthau, Henry, “The Attitude of the United States toward Europe/ABD’nin Avrupa Yaklaşımı”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 96, The Place of the United States in a World Organization for the Maintenance of Peace (Temmuz 1921), 68-69.
  • _____________, “A Vision of the Red Cross After the War/Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Kızıl Haç’ın Vizyonu”, New York Times, December 18, 1917. _____________,
  • Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story/Büyükelçi
  • Morgenthau’nun Öyküsü, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York 1919.
  • _____________, Secret’s of The Bosphorus, Constantinople 1913- 1916/Boğaziçi’nin Gizleri, İstanbul 1913-1916, Hutchinson and Co Patternoster Row, Londra t.y.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, November 18, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Secretary of State to the President Wilson, Washington, November, 21, 1916, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, November 4, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Lansing Papers 1914- 1920: The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State, Constantinople, December 1, 1915, Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington 1939.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US, The Paris Peace Conference 1919, Volume XI, Minutes of the Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, October 8, 1919, 11 a.m. Views of Hain Nahum, Grand Rabbi of Turkey, Government Printing Office, Washington 1945.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, Ambassador Morgenthau to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Constantinople, September 18, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1924.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Morgenthau, Sublime Porte, Constantinople, November 26, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1924.
  • Papers Relating to Foreign Relations of US-1914, The Secretary of State to the Turkish Ambassador, Department of State, Washington, September 16, 1914, Government Printing Office, Washington 1922.
  • Talat Paşa’nın Anıları, haz. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası
  • von Sanders, Limon, Türkiye’de Beş Yıl, çev. Eşref Bengi Özbilen, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Washburn, George, Fifty Years in Constantinople and Recollections of Robert College/İstanbul’da Elli Yıl ve Robert Koleji Anıları, The University Press of Cambridge, Boston ve New York 1909.
  • Yale, William, “Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s Special Mission of 1917/Büyükelçi Morgenthau’nun 1917 Yılındaki Özel Görevi”, World Politics, I/3 (April 1949), 308-320. EKLER EK-1
  • Morgenthau’nun New York Times’ta İstanbul Polis Müdürü Bedri Bey ile ilgili
  • yayınlattığını söylediği haberin orijinali
  • New York Times, February 27, 1915, s. 4.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İsmail Köse

Publication Date November 28, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 56


APA Köse, İ. (2013). Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı. Tarih Dergisi(56), 55-85.
AMA Köse İ. Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı. Tarih Dergisi. November 2013;(56):55-85.
Chicago Köse, İsmail. “Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı”. Tarih Dergisi, no. 56 (November 2013): 55-85.
EndNote Köse İ (November 1, 2013) Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı. Tarih Dergisi 56 55–85.
IEEE İ. Köse, “Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı”, Tarih Dergisi, no. 56, pp. 55–85, November 2013.
ISNAD Köse, İsmail. “Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı”. Tarih Dergisi 56 (November 2013), 55-85.
JAMA Köse İ. Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı. Tarih Dergisi. 2013;:55–85.
MLA Köse, İsmail. “Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı”. Tarih Dergisi, no. 56, 2013, pp. 55-85.
Vancouver Köse İ. Amerikan Büyük Elçisi H. Mogenthau’nun Türk Algısı. Tarih Dergisi. 2013(56):55-8.